Dog rides bus every day to Perform in Neighborhood park - then Chooses bus home
Meet Eclipse.
She is a cute black Labrador and Mastiff combination who travels into the park daily by herself.

Unbelievably, she jumps to the bus in her house in Seattle, Washington and rides ski, getting off in the park in which she frolics along with her fellow friends.
After a few hours, she proceeds to the bus stop, leaning back – with a ticket attached to a collar – and also returns home, prepared for dinner
She jumped without him before he can respond, the bus put off.
Dog rides bus every day to Perform in Neighborhood park – then Chooses bus home
Luckily, the bus driver recognized her – not wanting to emphasise that the determined gentleman – dropped off in the playground, until Jeff finally caught up.
Luckily, the bus driver recognized her – not wanting to emphasise that the determined gentleman – dropped off in the playground, until Jeff finally caught up.
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Following a couple more solo excursions, Jeff realised the Eclipse was capable of making the trip , so he chose to allow her adorably repairing a bus ticket into her collar each morning, realizing full-well that she would return a couple of hours later.
Routine passengers in the bus’ve gotten to understand Eclipse, and as expected – that gets everybody smile.
A Facebook post detailing Eclipse’s travel has got ruff-ly 300,000 shares. That is quite an accomplishment.
I believe there is a lesson we could all know here: Be dog.