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Obama’s family dog Bo has died

Obama's family dog

Obama’s family dog Bo has died

The Obamas declared Saturday, 8 May 2021 that their cherished family dog Bo has expired.

“This day was a tough one for our loved ones. We said goodbye to our very best friend –our pet, Bo — following a struggle with cancer,” former first lady Michelle Obama said in a statement submitted to Instagram Saturday.

The Obama family obtained Bo soon after they moved to the White House, meeting Barack Obama’s campaign promise to receive his daughters, Sasha and Malia, a puppy in return for their time spent on the campaign trail.

“Today our family lost a real friend and faithful partner,” the former President submitted on Twitter Saturday, including Bo”tolerated all of the fuss which came with being at the White House, needed a huge bark but no bite, loved to jump in the pool in the summertime, was unflappable with kids, dwelt for scraps around the dinner table, also had good hair.”

Obama Dog
Image Source - Huffpost

Michelle Obama also composed that Bo was there to the former first couple because their lifestyles” slowed down” and aided them” watch the women off to school and adapt to life as empty nesters.”

“From last 10 years, Bo was a continuous, gentle presence in our own lives –pleased to see on our good days, our bad times, and regular in between,” the former President wrote.

Bo, a Portuguese water dog, had come into the Obamas as a present in the late Sen. Ted Kennedy and his wife, Victoria.

Bo Siting on Sofa
Bo Sitting on Sofa

“This had been a remarkably thoughtful gesture–not because the strain was sterile (a requirement because of Malia’s allergies) but also since the Kennedys had made certain that Bo was housebroken until he came to us,” – Obama wrote

The Obamas stated they will miss Bo dearly,” but we’re grateful that he lived this kind of joyous life filled with snuggles, games of fetch, and evenings spent lying on the sofa.”

“We also know we are not the only ones that cared for Bo, and are thankful for all of the love you showed him over time,” the household. The Obamas have yet another Portuguese water dog, Sunny. Obama’s family dog Bo has died

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